Viraclean Squeeze Bottle 500ml
VIRACLEAN® is the result of years of intensive research and development. A considerable investment in both time and money has been made in the interests of improving the safety and efficacy of hospital grade disinfectants. VIRACLEAN® can be used for both cleaning and disinfecting, demonstrating beneficial versatility for healthcare and associated environs.
This 500ml squeeze bottle is perfect for simple, efficient application.
VIRACLEAN® is a pink liquid with a lemon fragrance. It is easy to use and is conveniently packaged in squeeze or spray bottles, 5 litre containers, and 15 litre containers. VIRACLEAN® is formulated to replace most cleaning products and hospital grade disinfectants. VIRACLEAN® can be used for cleaning and disinfecting. This product is not intended for use on therapeutic devices. INSTRUMAX® PINK is available as an instrument disinfectant low level for use in disinfecting non critical medical devices.